
2023  |  2022  |  2021  |  2020  |  2019  |  2018  |  2017  |  2016  |  2015  |  2014 |  2013  |  2012 

*Student or post-doc collaborative member as first author



  • Gruby, R.L., Miller, D., Enrici, A., Garrick, D. (In Press). Conservation philanthropy: Growing the field of research and practice. Conservation Science and Practice.
  • *Enrici, A., Gruby, R.L., Betsill, M., Le Cornu, E., Blackwatters, J.E., Basurto, X., Govan, H., Holm, T., Jupiter, S., Mangubhai, S. (In Press). Who’s setting the agenda? Philanthropic donor influence in marine conservation. Ecology and Society.
  • *Le Cornu, E., Gruby, R. L., Blackwatters, J. E., Enrici, A., Basurto, X., & Betsill, M. (2023). Conceptualizing responsible exits in conservation philanthropy. Conservation Science and Practice, e12868.
  • *Blackwatters, J. E., Betsill, M., Enrici, A., Le Cornu, E., Basurto, X., & Gruby, R. L. (2023). More than funders: The roles of philanthropic foundations in marine conservation governance. Conservation Science and Practice, e12829.


  • Campbell, L.M., Fail, R., Horan, R., Acton, L., Blackwatters, J., Garcia Lozano, A., Gill, D., Gray, N., Gruby, R., Melvin, E., Murray, G., Wiehe, E. (2022) Architecture and Agency for Equity in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction. Earth System Governance, 13, 100144.
  • Chambers JM, Wyborn C, Klenk NL, Ryan ME, Serban A, Bennett NJ, Brennan R, Charli-Joseph L, Fernandez-Gimenez ME, Galvin KA, Goldstein BE, Haller T, Hill R, Munera C, Nel JL, Österblom H, Reid RS, Riechers M, Spierenburg M, Tengö M, Bennett E, Brandeis A, Chatterton P, Cockburn JJ, Cvitanovic C, Dumrongrojwatthana P, Durán AP, Gerber JD, Green JMH, Gruby R, Guerrero AM, Horcea-Milcu A-I, Montana J, Steyaert P, Zaehringer JG, Bednarek AT, Curran K, Fada SJ, Hutton J, Leimona B, Pickering T, Rondeau R. (2022). Co-productive agility and four collaborative pathways to sustainability transformations. Global Environmental Change, 72, 102422.


  • Niemiec R, Gruby R, Quartuch M, Cavaliere C, Teel T, Crooks K, Salerno J, Stronza A, Meth L, Enrici A, Lanter K, Browne C, Proctor J, Manfredo M. (2021). Integrating social science into conservation planning.  Biological Conservation262: 109298.
  • Chambers JM, Wyborn C, Ryan ME, Reid RS, Riechers M, Serban A, Bennett NJ, Cvitanovic C, Fernandez-Gimenez ME, Galvin KA, Goldstein BE, Klenk NL, Tengö M, Brennan R, Cockburn JJ, Hill R, Munera C, Nel JL, Österblom H, Bednarek AT, Bennett E, Brandeis A, Charli-Joseph L, Chatterton P, Curran K, Dumrongrojwatthana P, Durán AP, Fada SJ, Gerber JD, Green JMH, Guerrero AM, Haller T, Horcea-Milcu A-I, Leimona B, Montana J, Rondeau R, Spierenburg M, Steyaert P, Zaehringer JG, Gruby R, Hutton J, Pickering T. (2021). Six modes of co-production for sustainability. Nature Sustainability: 1-14.
  • Gruby, R. L.,A. Enrici, M. Betsill, E. LeCornu, X. Basurto, and Research Co-designers. (2021) Opening the Black Box of Conservation Philanthropy: A co-produced research agenda on private foundations in marine conservation. Marine Policy: 132, 104645
  • M. Betsill, A. Enrici, E. Le Cornu, R.L. Gruby, Philanthropic Foundations as Agents of Environmental Governance: A Research Agenda. (2021) Environmental Politics: 1-22.
  • Acton, L, Gruby, R.L. ‘Alohi Nakachi. "Does polycentricity fit? Linking social fit with polycentric governance in a large-scale marine protected area." Journal of Environmental Management 290 (2021): 112613.
  • Gruby, R.L., Gray, N., Fairbanks, L., Havice, E., Campbell, L.M., Friedlander, A., Oleson, K., Sam, K., Mitchell, L., Hanich, Q. (2021). Policy interactions in large-scale marine protected areas. Conservation Letters 14(1).


  • Artis, E., Gray, N. J., Campbell, L. M., Gruby, R. L., Acton, L., Zigler, S. B., & Mitchell, L. (2020). Stakeholder perspectives on large-scale marine protected areas. Plos one15(9), e0238574.
  • Gray, N., Corson, C., Campbell, L. Wilshusen, P., Gruby, R.L., Hagerman, S. 2020. Doing Strong Collaborative Fieldwork in Human Geography. Geographical Review, 110 (1-2), 117-132


  • Richmond, L., Gruby, R. L., Kotowicz, D., & Dumouchel, R. 2019. Local participation and large marine protected areas: Lessons from a US Marine National Monument. Journal of environmental management, 252, 109624.
  • *Carlisle, K., and Gruby, R.L. 2019. Customary Marine Tenure in Palau: Social Function and Implications for Fishery Policy. Human Ecology, 47, 527–539.
  • *Carlisle, K., & Gruby, R. L. (2019). Polycentric systems of governance: A theoretical model for the commons. Policy Studies Journal, 47(4), 927-952.


  • Hanich, Q., Rotjan, R., Aqorau, T., Bailey, M., Campbell, B., Gray, N., Gruby, R., Hampton, J., Ota, Y., Parris, H., Reid, C., Sumaila, R., and Swartz, W. (2018). Unraveling the blue paradox: Incomplete analysis yields incorrect conclusions about Phoenix Islands Protected Area closure. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115(52): E12122-E12123.
  • Bennett, A., Acton, L., Epstein, G., Gruby, R.L., and Nenadovic, M. (2018). Embracing conceptual diversity to integrate power and institutional analysis: Introducing a relational typology. International Journal of the Commons 12(2).
  • *Carlisle, K., and Gruby, R.L. (2018). Why the path to polycentricity matters: evidence from fisheries governance in Palau. Environmental Policy and Governance 28(4): 223-235.


  • Gray, N.J., Bennett, N.J., Day, J., Gruby, R.L., Wilhelm, T.A., Christie, P. (2017) Human Dimensions of Large-Scale Marine Protected Areas: Advancing Research and Practice. Coastal Management 45(6):407-415. (Editor reviewed- Introduction to special issue)
  • Gruby, R.L., Fairbanks, L.W., Acton, L., Artis, E., Campbell, L.M., Gray, N.J., Mitchell, L., Zigler, S.B.J., Wilson, K. (2017). Conceptualizing social outcomes of large marine protected areas. Coastal Management 45(6): 416-435.
  • Christie, P., Bennett, N.J., Gray, N.J., Wilhelm, A., Lewis, N., Parks, J., Ban, N.C., Gruby, R.L., Gordon, L., Day, J., Taei, S., Friedlander, A.M. (2017) Why People Matter in Ocean Governance: Incorporating Human Dimensions into Large Scale Marine Protected Areas. Marine Policy 84: 273-284.
  • Bennett, N., Teh, L., Ota, Y., Christie, P., Ayers, A.,Day, J., Franks, P., Gill, D., Gruby, R.. Kittinger, J.N., Koehn, J.Z., Lewis, N., Parks, J., Vierros, M., Whitty, T.S., Wilhelm, A., Wright, K., Aburto, J.A., Finkbeiner, A., Gaymer, C., Govan, H., Gray, N., Jarvis, R.M., Kaplan-Hallam, M.K., Satterfield, T. (2017) An appeal for a code of conduct for marine conservation. Marine Policy 81: 411-18.
  • Gruby, R.L. (2017) Macropolitics of Micronesia: Toward a critical theory of regional environmental governance. Global Environmental Politics 17(4):9-27. <


  • Gruby, R.L., Gray, N.J., Campbell, L.M., Acton, L. (2016). Toward a Social Science Research Agenda for Large Marine Protected Areas.  Conservation Letters 9(3): 153-163.
  • Campbell, L.M., Gray, N.J., Fairbanks, L., Silver, J.J., Gruby, R.L., Dubik, B., Basurto, X. (2016). Governing the Oceans: New and Emerging Issues. Annual Review of Environment and Resources. 41: 2.1-2.27.


  • Leslie H. M, Sievanen L., Ganco Crawford, T., Gruby, R. L., Villanueva-Aznar, C., Campbell L. M. (2015). Learning from Ecosystem-Based Management in Practice. Costal Management 43(5): 471-497.
  • Witter, R., Marion Suiseeya, K.R., Gruby, R.L., Hitchner, S., Maclin, E.M., Bourque, M., Brosius, J.P. (2015) Moments of Influence in Global Environmental Governance. Environmental Politics 24(6): 894-912.
  • Silver, J.J., Gray, N.J., Campbell, L.M., Fairbanks, L.W., & Gruby, R.L. (2015). Blue economy and competing discourses in international oceans governance. Environment and Development 24(2): 135-160.


  • Gray N., Gruby, R.L., & Campbell, L.M. (2014). Boundary objects and global consensus: Scalar narratives of marine conservation at the Convention on Biological Diversity. Global Environmental Politics 14(3): 64-83.
  • Corson, C., Gruby, R.L., Witter, R., Hagerman, S., Suarez, D., Greenberg, S., Bourque, M.,.Gray, N., & Campbell, L.M. (2014) Everyone’s solution? Defining and redefining protected areas at the Convention on Biological Diversity. Conservation and Society 12(2): 190-202.


  • Gruby, R.L. & Basurto, X. (2013) Multi-level governance for large marine commons: Politics and polycentricity in Palau’s protected area network. Environmental Science and Policy 33: 260-272.
  • Gruby, R.L., & Campbell, L.M. (2013) Scalar Politics and the Region: Strategies for Transcending Pacific Island ‘Smallness’ on a Global Environmental Governance Stage. Environment and Planning A 45(9):2046-2063.
  • Campbell, L.M., Gray, N.J., Fairbanks, L.W., Silver, J.J., & Gruby, R.L. (2013). Oceans at Rio+20. Conservation Letters 6(6): 439-447.
  • Sievanen, L., Gruby, R.L., & Campbell, L.M. (2013). Fixing Marine Governance in Fiji? The New Scalar Narrative of Ecosystem-Based Management. Global Environmental Change 23(1), 206-216


  • Hastings J., Gruby, R.L., & Sievanen, L. (2012). Science-based Coastal Management in Fiji: Two Case Studies from the NGO Sector. Marine Policy 36(4), 907-914.

Book Chapters

  • Campbell, L. M., Gray, N. J., Zigler, S. B. J., Acton, L., & Gruby, R. (2021). World-making through mapping: Large-scale marine protected areas and the transformation of global oceans. In The Routledge Handbook of Critical Resource Geography(pp. 425-440). Routledge.
  • Epstein, G., Bennett, A., Gruby, R.L., Acton, L., & Nenadovic, M. (2014). Studying power with the social-ecological system framework. In Manfredo, M.J., Vaske, J.J., Rechkemmer, A., Duke, E., eds., Understanding society and natural resources: Forging new strands in integration across the social sciences. New York: Springer Press.
  • Bruch C., Jensen, D., Nakayama, M., Unruh, J., Gruby, R.L., & Wolfarth, R. (2008). Post-Conflict Peace Building and Natural Resources. In Yearbook of International Environmental Law, eds. O. K. Fauchald, D. Hunter, and W. Xi, 39. New York: Oxford University Press: 58-96.
